Analysis Description -------------------- FADE (FUBAR Approach to Directional Evolution) is a fast method to test whether or not a subset of sites in a protein alignment evolve towards a particular residue along a subset of branches at accelerated rates compared to reference model. FADE uses a random effects model and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) - inspired approximation methods to allocate sites to rate classes. - __Requirements__: A protein alignment and a **rooted** phylogenetic tree (optionally annotated with {}) - __Citation__: TBD - __Written by__: Sergei L Kosakovsky Pond - __Contact Information__: - __Analysis Version__: 0.2 Save FADE cache to : >cache –> /home/datamonkey/datamonkey-js-server/production/app/fade/output/61eec4295e56f71949c04edd.FADE.cache > FADE will write cache and result files to _/home/datamonkey/datamonkey-js-server/production/app/fade/output/61eec4295e56f71949c04edd.FADE.cache_ and _/home/datamonkey/datamonkey-js-server/production/app/fade/output/61eec4295e56f71949c04edd.FADE.json_, respectively ### Loaded **59** sequences, **3231** sites, and **1** partitions from `/home/datamonkey/datamonkey-js-server/production/app/fade/output/61eec4295e56f71949c04edd` Error: Input tree MUST be rooted in call to assert(((fade.partitions_and_trees[index])[])[terms.trees.rooted], "Input tree MUST be rooted"); Function call stack 1 : assert(((fade.partitions_and_trees[index])[])[terms.trees.rooted], "Input tree MUST be rooted"); Keyword arguments: { "branches":"All", "burn-in":"1000000", "chain":"5", "chains":"2000000", "concentration_parameter":"0.5", "grid":"20", "method":"Variational-Bayes", "model":"LG", "samples":"100", "tree":"/home/datamonkey/datamonkey-js-server/production/app/fade/output/61eec4295e56f71949c04edd.tre" } -------