Analysis Description -------------------- aBSREL (Adaptive branch-site random effects likelihood) uses an adaptive random effects branch-site model framework to test whether each branch has evolved under positive selection, using a procedure which infers an optimal number of rate categories per branch. - __Requirements__: in-frame codon alignment and a phylogenetic tree - __Citation__: Less Is More: An Adaptive Branch-Site Random Effects Model for Efficient Detection of Episodic Diversifying Selection (2015). Mol Biol Evol 32 (5): 1342-1353. v2.2 adds support for multiple-hit models. v2.3 adds support for SRV - __Written by__: Sergei L Kosakovsky Pond, Ben Murrell, Steven Weaver and Temple iGEM / UCSD viral evolution group - __Contact Information__: - __Analysis Version__: 2.3 >code –> Universal /home/datamonkey/datamonkey-js-server/production/app/absrel/output/63472b6835d8215fcb2fd88c.tre /home/datamonkey/datamonkey-js-server/production/app/absrel/output/63472b6835d8215fcb2fd88c.tre >Loaded a multiple sequence alignment with **18** sequences, **84** codons, and **3** partitions from `/home/datamonkey/datamonkey-js-server/production/app/absrel/output/63472b6835d8215fcb2fd88c` >branches –> FG >multiple-hits –> None >srv –> No Error: Master node received an error:aBSREL only works on a single partition dataset in call to assert(utility.Array1D(absrel.partitions_and_trees)==1, error_msg); Function call stack 1 : assert(utility.Array1D(absrel.partitions_and_trees)==1, error_msg); ------- 2 : ExecuteCommands("assert (`statement`, error_msg)", /home/datamonkey/datamonkey-js-server/production/app/absrel/../../.hyphy/res/TemplateBatchFiles/libv3/); ------- 3 : io.CheckAssertion("utility.Array1D (absrel.partitions_and_trees) == 1","aBSREL only works on a single partition dataset"); -------